The Equine Empowerment Center, Inc. provides research-based programming to ensure the best possible outcomes for participants.
The Whispers with Horses intervention was developed by Bill Marchand, Lisa Finnell and colleagues. It was initially developed to be a manualized, and ultimately evidence-based, psychotherapy incorporating horses for Veterans and others. An initial pilot study demonstrated potential benefit and additional studies are ongoing. If shown to be effective by more rigorous studies, the goal is to disseminate the intervention to the equine-assisted services field.
The study publication, Evaluation of a mindfulness and self-compassion-based psychotherapy incorporating horses for Veterans who have experienced trauma, can be accessed here:Â

In addition to the development and evaluation of Whispers with Horses, literature reviews and studies of other equine interventions have been conducted and results published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Published articles can be access below, organized by topic.
Horsemanship skills training for Veterans with PTSD
Equine-assisted services for Veterans with addictive disorders
A Pilot Observational Study of Implementing an Equine-Assisted Services Program Within a VA Medical Center Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program
A Pilot Replication Study of Implementing an Equine-Assisted Services Program Within a VA Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program
A pilot observational study of recreational trail riding for Veterans with addictive disorders
Examining the Psychological Measures and Feasibility of Recreational Trail Rides in Reducing Cravings for Addictive Substances among Veterans: A Replication Pilot Study
Equine-assisted services for medical staff resiliency
A pilot observational study of a psychotherapy incorporating equines resiliency intervention for staff at a large medical center
A replication study of a psychotherapy incorporating horses resiliency intervention for healthcare workers
Reviews of the literature
Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies for Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Current State, Challenges and Future Directions
Potential Mechanisms of Action and Outcomes of Equine-Assisted Services for Veterans with a History of Trauma: A Narrative Review of the Literature 10.3390/ijerph20146377