Equine-assisted Learning

The Equine Empowerment Center, Inc. offers the research-based Whispers with Horses model of equine-assisted learning.”

In equine-assisted learning, participants, facilitators and horses work together to promote personal growth, empowerment and healing.

Brown horse grazing in a field of flowers; a white horse with a bridle and red ribbon held by a person in a formal outfit.
A person in riding attire pats a brown horse with a white blaze on its forehead.

Whispers with Horses is a six-session program that helps participants develop, or enhance existing, mindfulness and self-compassion skills in the context of a developing horse-human relationship. Additionally, participants learn safe ground-based horsemanship skills (such as grooming and leading). There is no riding involved.

Whispers with Horses is available for individuals or groups. Classes are typically held weekly and are 60 minutes for individual and 90 minutes for group sessions. Our location is in the Sandy, UT area.

Each class includes:

  • Guided mindfulness and self-compassion meditations.
  • Discussions of mindfulness, self-compassion, and horse psychology.
  • Hands-on time with a horse (grooming, leading and other ground-based activities).

Why learn mindfulness and self-compassion?

Mindfulness is simply paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, without judgment. It is the opposite of mind wandering or what we call autopilot. Much of our distress in life comes from our own minds, for example, worrying. Through a mindfulness practice, we can develop the ability to be less carried away with our own thoughts and emotions and experience less distress.

Self-compassion is simply treating ourselves with kindness as we would someone else that we care about. For most of us, this is hard to do. We typically are not taught to be kind to ourselves, and it may feel foreign to do so.

By practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, we can lead more joyful and satisfying lives and become empowered to live our best possible lives.

Why learn mindfulness and self-compassion at the Equine Empowerment Center, Inc.?

There are many options to learn to practice mindfulness and self-compassion including in-person, online and books. Whispers with Horses provides a unique learning option. First, most people find it to be a very enjoyable way to learn. Also, one of the challenges with a mindfulness practice is putting it to use in day-to-day life. In this program, participants practice mindfulness in a real-world setting, out in an arena with a horse. This provides a bridge to using mindfulness in our lives. Also, things often don’t go exactly as planned when working with horses. Thus, there are also opportunities to practice self-compassion.

For more information or to enroll, click contact.

For more information about our research, click research.

Additionally, we offer the Whispers with Horses program to veterans through our for-profit organization and a collaboration with the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System. For more information about that program, go here.